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Redevelopment consulting services may include obtaining additional revenues from:

New redevelopment project areas formed or amended on or after January 1, 1994 are subject to AB 1290—the Community Redevelopment Law Reform Act of 1993. AB 1290 replaces negotiated alleviation agreements with statutory entitlements based on a complex set of formulas, in combination with negotiated facilities and development agreements.


For AB 1290 projects, ensure that each school and college district (i) maximizes its statutory entitlements, which may be reduced or eliminated by the redevelopment agency through faulty implementation or subordination, and (ii) pursues facilities and development agreements to minimize that portion of statutory payments which would otherwise be offset by reductions in State apportionments.

For non-AB 1290 projects, ensure that each school or college district maximizes its financial participation in the redevelopment process, alone or in conjunction with asset management and economic master planning, involving some participation options that are readily available but not be widely recognized or utilized.

For all redevelopment projects, ensure that qualified District employees receive housing subsidies from combination of RDA’s 20 percent housing funds plus State and federal funds, thereby assisting District’s employee retention and attraction efforts.


For AB 1290 or SB 211 projects, consulting services include:

For non-AB 1290 projects, consulting services may include:
For all redevelopment projects, consulting services include:


These services provide school and college districts with millions of dollars in additional revenues for site acquisition, facility construction or reconstruction, remodeling, and referred maintenance, including administrative and consultant costs–as well as support the District’s employee retention and attraction efforts.